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The 10 most common mistakes SMEs make when purchasing software systems

Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) are a special category of companies, that are seeking to dynamically increase their revenues, by automating their business processes and by improving their business efficiency and effectiveness.

However, since usually SMEs do not have internal IT departments and are lacking the role of CTO/CIO, they are more likely to fall into pitfalls when deciding to make their first steps towards modern and technologically advanced solutions, as part of their digital transformation activities.

It takes one wrong step to cause inefficiencies, financial losses, and operational challenges that instead of solving one or more problems internally, it is creating new ones.


Here are some of the most common mistakes that have adverse consequences along the digital transformation process:


1. Insufficient Requirements Assessment:

Mistake: Failing to thoroughly assess and document the organization’s specific needs and requirements before searching for software.

Consequence: The purchased software may not align with the company’s actual needs, leading to dissatisfaction and wasted resources.

2. Lack of Stakeholder Involvement:

Mistake: Not involving key stakeholders (end-users, IT staff, management) in the decision-making process.

Consequence: Users may resist the new software, and it may not meet the expectations or functionality required by different departments.

3. Ignoring Scalability and Future Needs:

Mistake: Overlooking the scalability of the software and its ability to adapt to the company’s future growth and evolving requirements.

Consequence: The software may become obsolete quickly, requiring a costly and time-consuming replacement.

4. Failure to Consider Integration:

Mistake: Neglecting to evaluate how the new software will integrate with existing systems and applications.

Consequence: Incompatibility issues can arise, leading to data silos, decreased efficiency, and increased IT support demands.

5. Not Researching Vendor Reputation:

Mistake: Failing to conduct thorough research on the reputation, reliability, and support services of the software vendor.

Consequence: Poor customer support, lack of updates, or even the vendor going out of business can result in significant disruptions.

6. Ignoring Total Cost of Ownership (TCO):

Mistake: Focusing solely on the upfront costs and neglecting long-term expenses such as maintenance, support, and training.

Consequence: The total cost of ownership can be much higher than anticipated, exceeding the budget constraints.

8. Waterfall implementation approach:

Mistake: Missing involvement during project implementation and waiting for the final software delivery without any intermediate review.

Consequence: When the missing / wrong functionalities are identified, it is too late for changes.

9. Inadequate User Training:

Mistake: Underestimating the importance of thorough user training and change management.

Consequence: Employees may struggle to adapt to the new software, reducing overall productivity and causing frustration.

10. Lack of internal processes and roles restructuring:

Mistake: Believing that by simply using a software system and without performing internal reorganization and restructuring of roles and processes, all problems will be solved.

Consequence: The new software does not fit the existing business processes and requires new roles and responsibilities that do not exist, and the system is finally blamed for not meeting expectations.


Avoiding these common mistakes requires careful planning, involvement of key stakeholders, and a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s current and future needs.


For over 22 years, EXIS provides technology consulting services to large organizations and SMEs. Contact us to find out what we can do for your business!

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